Tony Biscotti's School for Dramatic Youth was a comedy pilot that Neil directed for Nickelodeon. Staring Steve Firth and Dolly Wells, and a cast of very talented young performers who improvise the whole programme.
One of the things Neil is particularly skilled at is finding the funny (and truth) in and around disability. Born with a form of spina bifida, Neil has always used comedy and dramatic stories to help change people's perceptions of his and others people's differences.
The Case of the Missing Head
Neil developed his writing and directing skills (multi-camera and on location) whilst working at BBC Schools TV. This detective spoof that he wrote and directed in the 90s, demonstrates how Neil was able to weave comedy and education together.
Neil wrote and directed this sketch for Channel 4's satirical strand B@IT. It has had over 6 million views on Facebook since being launched.
Based on "Nightmare Neighbours Next Door", Neil pushed aside any thoughts of getting a headache to direct this sketch for Channel 4's online comedy offerings.
The brief; create a series of "The Office" styled films that could be played within a live workshop, to help the learner understand about conflict resolution.